Saturday, October 11, 2008

First blog post

This is my frist blog post. My sister and friends have been asking me to start a blog for a long time... but I always have excuses to say no ..haha. FInally, I get over my laziness and start this little project of mine. This blog contains materials of random babling, food preparing, fitness craving and many more.

One of the reason I start this blog because this will just simply get my closer to my friends, I miss all my family and friends. So, I hope this is keep them update and keep me going too. Alright , first post ... FOOD ... I am going to talk about food. I love weekend because that is the only time when I can cook.... and cook ... and cook... (okie... may be bake too:P ) though i can't eat all the things I made but I love sharing it with my hosuemates. That is the good thing of having housemates cause I can stuff their tummies too...gwahahahaha, I am evil:P
Today is a Saturday, as usual, I wake up in the morning, put my clothes onto the clotheslines , brushed, cleaned and went to combat .. YEAH, good old combat where I can scream, kick, punch all I want to release the stress within me, nourish my heart and soul .... most importantly keep my sanity:P After my combat class, I went to the shopping centre to get a ceramic pot so that i can use it to make my soup of the day ---> Double boiler :D

Sorry, I have drifted ..... yes, food:P Marble cake and 椰汁炖鸡 (aka double-boiled chicken soup with coconut juice ) Both taste great though my marble cake looked more like choc cake:p (coz i was too greedy when I was adding cocoa powder into my batter:P )hehe you can see my so-called marble cake... which.. look more like a choc cake.. but looks can be deceiving coz the cake taste really good:) The soup is really good. I didn't have it for a long time because it involves a lot of hardwork .... (getting the coconut juice from those old hard coconut shell:P ) I wanted to use 3 old coconut juice,so I bought 3 coconut but NOOOOOOOO.. one of the coconut gone bad:P so I resolved to 2 coconut. Brendan helped me drilled 2 holes into the coconut so that i can get the juice then we used an axe to smashed the shell, so that we can get the such fun:P

Enough for now:) need to catch some sleep.... and think what should I make tomorrow:p ciao

1 comment:

FireWire said...

1st spam of the 1st post of the blog. now everyday can see monsie's cooking liao. i demand s'ban siew bao!