Sunday, October 12, 2008

Roti canai day

I am craving for roti canai for a few months now . So I have decided to make my own roti canai:D I found a recipe online and decided to follow it and I also make dahl with potatoes :D the roti making is difficult and messy....coz I have never tried making it even once... blame the mamak for spoiling me too much:P hehe here are the end product of my breakfast :D


SaeWei said...

OMG..the roti canai looks so good!!! Can you share the recipe with me pls?????

HuggieBear said...

okie dokie , no problem, will post that tomorrow okie ;)

Eva said...

you know what i miss...
good, hot, yummy nasi lemak
making that anytime soon?
i know.. no need to thank me for the idea