Sunday, November 9, 2008

I am so tired today, woke up with soreness everywhere on my body ... from my arms to my thighs... hehe, too much gym, too much weights :P So, I decided to stay home today, not going to torture myself with more gym. Instead, I was hapilly watering the roses and pruning them, also sweeping the front yard and back garden. I did my laundry, clean the house and of course, bake and cook :D I love weekends, if only weekdays are like weekend :P Breakfast was great, I had chicken sausages with veggie omelette, a cup of tea and my sweet Hokkaido bread with butter and cheddar cheese .. yum.... oh yes... cherry tomatoes:P too much for a breakfast :P :unch is just simple minestrone soup. Around afternoon, I decided to bake.... becoz i have overiped bananas and a bag of cornflakes that sit around for ages:P I just want to get rid of it. Therefore I made muffins that consists of banana, cornflakes, pinenuts and choc chips .... :D I am greedy:P Dinner time I had stir-fried seafood noodles :D Goodie :D

1 comment:

Eva said...

weewee. u have roses too?... me loves them, i got a few pots at my (new) home I bought them of cos, not grow them from when they were small. They've been doing pretty well and it makes me really happy when they bloom, different colours and all. Two is infested with mites though, I try to spray them off with water plus some insecticide. the leaves are yellowing on one. it's breaking my heart ;p

luv ya heaps